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Easy Apple Crisp Recipe – The Perfect Fall Dessert For Two!

Now that Fall has arrived it is time to pull out my favorite apple recipes, including this Easy Apple Crisp Recipe! Warm and tender apples that are seasoned in a cinnamon and sugar infused syrup and topped with a crisp crumb topping.

Once it comes out of the oven, top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and maybe even a drizzle of caramel and you have an irresistibly delicious dessert. But what I love most about this recipe is that it is made into individual servings.

By dividing the ingredients into two ramekins, you no longer have the need to scoop the dessert into separate bowls and dirty more dishes. But more importantly, when dividing the ingredients into individual servings, you know that each portion contains the exact same amount.

apple crisp in ramekins
This apple crisp recipe is made into individual servings and is the perfect amount for two people.

And in my house, that is important, especially when it comes to dessert! Now there is no discussion of who got a bigger portion.

Instead each one of us gets the exact same amount. Now I can’t say the same thing when it comes to the ice cream topping. 😊

What Type Of Apples To Use To Make Apple Crisp

Although you can use a variety of apples to make apple crisp, some varieties of apples hold up better when baked. You will want to use a firm apple that becomes tender, but won’t turn to mush when put in the oven.

You also want to pick an apple that has a good balance of sweetness and tartness for the best flavor. Some popular choices include:

Granny Smith: 

These apples are known for their tart flavor and firm texture. The are one of the best baking apples because they hold their shape well. The level of tartness decreases as they bake, and the sweet crumb topping balances out the remaining tart flavor perfectly.


Honeycrisp apples are sweet and juicy, with a crisp texture. They also hold their shape well when baked. However, they are a little more expensive than other varieties of apples.

Gala Apples:

Gala apples are firm and are considered a sweeter apple. Therefore, this is a great choice when you want to decrease the amount of sugar that is called for in the recipe.

golden delicious, Granny Smith and Gala
Although you can use a single variety, for best flavor, use two different types of apples to make apple crisp.

Golden Delicious: 

Golden Delicious apples are sweet and have a soft, tender texture. They may not hold their shape as well as other varieties when baked, but they still make a delicious apple crisp.

Although those are my top 4 choices, here are some other good choices when making apple crisp:

  • Braeburn
  • Crispin
  • Fuji
  • Pink Lady
  • Jonagold
  • McIntosh

However, to create a more complex flavor profile use a combination of different apple varieties. For example, you could use a Granny Smith apple and a Honeycrisp apple for a tart and sweet crisp combination.

Another delicious combination is when you use both Golden Delicious apples and Gala apples. These two apples will give you a nice sweet tasting dessert with a more complex firm, yet soft texture.

apple peeler slicer
Although you could use an apple peeler, corer and slicer, I find it easier to peel and dice the apples in larger chunks so that the apples don’t turn to mush when baked.

However, because there are several more varieties that can be used for baking, it is best to ask your local orchard what type of apples that they recommend. And because you are not worried about the outer appearance of the apples, you can definitely get the most value when using apples that are labeled as ‘seconds’.

Use ‘Seconds’ Apples To Make Apple Crisp

Apples that are labeled as ‘seconds’ are apples that do not meet the cosmetic standards for first-grade apples. They may have minor blemishes, such as bruises, nicks, or misshapen fruit.

However, they are still perfectly safe to eat and taste just as delicious as first-grade apples. Seconds apples are often sold at a discounted price, making them a great value for shoppers.

Easy Apple Crisp Recipe

*A printable recipe card is located at the bottom of this article which contains the specific measurements, temperatures and cook times. However, continue reading below to learn about more helpful tips about this specific recipe.


  • 2 cups peeled and diced apples
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp granulated white sugar

Topping Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 TBSP butter, room temperature


The first step in making this easy apple crisp recipe is to preheat the oven to 350°F. Then spray the inside of the ramekins with non-stick cooking spray. Set them aside.

Now it is time to prepare the apples. Start by peeling the apples, then remove the core and cut the apples in 1/2 inch pieces.

diced apples
Place the apples in the prepared ramekins and make the topping.

To make easy work of cutting the apple, use an apple corer and wedger to cut the apples into thick slices. Then cut the apple into smaller, 1/2 inch pieces.

Next, place the peeled and diced apples in a medium size bowl. Then sprinkle the cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar on top of the apples and toss until well coated.

Once the apples are nice and coated, evenly divide the apples between the two ramekins.

Then in the same bowl that you used for the apples, add the topping ingredients. Using a pastry cutter or two forks, cut the butter in until pea size crumbles form.

Spread the crumb topping over the top of the apples, being sure to cover the apples completely.

Now carefully place the ramekins on a baking sheet. Then carefully place the baking sheet and ramekins in the preheated oven.


Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the topping is crisp and has turned light golden brown in color.

Remove the tray from the oven and let the apple crisp sit for 5 minutes before serving. Top with vanilla ice cream and/or caramel sauce if desired.

apple crisp
Add the topping to the apples, being sure to cover the apples completely.

For other delicious dessert recipes for two, be sure to visit the Desserts page located under the RECIPE INDEX tab at the top of the article.

Enjoy! Mary

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apple crisp in ramekins

Easy Apple Crisp Recipe

Yield: 2 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes

Easy apple crisp recipe made in individual ramekins that is the perfect amount for 2 people.


  • 2 cups peeled and diced apples
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp granulated white sugar


  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 TBSP butter, room temperature


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F
  2. In a medium bowl add the peeled and diced apples. Add the cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar and toss until well coated.
  3. Divide the apples between two ramekins.
  4. In the same bowl add the topping ingredients and cut in the butter using a pastry cutter or two forks until pea size crumbles are formed.
  5. Top apples with the topping mixture, covering the apples completely.
  6. Place the ramekins on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 40-45 min or until the topping is crisp and light golden brown.
  7. Remove the tray from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes before serving.
  8. Top with vanilla ice cream or caramel sauce if desired.


You can also make this recipe in a small baking dish. The cook time will remain the same.

Recipe provided by

Nutrition Information
Yield 2 Serving Size 1
Amount Per Serving Calories 329Total Fat 12gSaturated Fat 7gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 4gCholesterol 31mgSodium 384mgCarbohydrates 56gFiber 4gSugar 39gProtein 2g

Nutritional Information is to be used as a general guideline only . Nutritional calculations will vary from the types and brands of the products used.

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Saturday 23rd of September 2023

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